Sunday, April 29, 2012

January, 1938: If Anais Were Rich

Anais Nin says if she were rich she would:

1. Send Helba to a sanatorium where she might get well
2. Give Jean a radio-phonograph because he likes to write music
3. Give Henry rare Chinese art books he has been hankering for
4. Pension old Lantelme so he would not work anymore
5. Sustain all Henry's publications
6. Buy a press for herself

She feels poor. She has reduced life to its simplest basis. She waivers between feeling happy and not. She has finished the main cutting of the diary. She works 2-3 hours in the morning, has lunch at one of the little cafes nearby, works 2-3 more hours in the afternoon, has coffee at the Cafe Flore, works more, then has dinner with Henry or Gonzalo. Hugh is in London.

These days, we say, "If I won the lottery, I would..." What would you do? How would you spend your money? It is interesting and telling how Anais says she would spend her money: only one item for herself. She is a giver. Her purpose is living for others.

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