Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fall, 1937: Friendships

Anais Nin says in this entry of her Diary that she finds happiness in friendships when they are new. As time goes on, she finds out where they live, what they do, who their spouse and children are, and she sees a different person which causes the friendship to die. The same is true with romantic relationships; when they are new, there is a flare of passion which fades with time.

Do relationships die natural deaths? Do they die from nonacceptance of anothers' flaws and faults? Do they die because the other person is insufficient? Do they die because we form a romantic illusion of a person that is far from reality? No matter how they die, the result is that Anais could end up alone except that she is able to continue to develop new friendships. Anais seems to be intent on following her pursuits, her ideas, her dreams, and because of this, friends come and friends go, but she seems to be fine with that.

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