Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Winter, 1951 - 1952: Rejection

Anais Nin is trying to get A Spy in the House of Love, the fourth novel in the continuous novel called Cities of the Interior, published. She is angry yet tries to remain positive, though she feels isolated, rejected. She is omitted from anthologies, and her manuscripts are returned by magazines. Publishers either don't like her work or don't understand her work, especially the "lie detector" in Spy.

She describes what it takes for her to write: "No one else can do what I have done, I know that, because it took a spiritual vision allied to sensuality to clothe in flesh such deep meanings, and it took a life in hell and many lives of painful explorations, and it took even a dangerous sojourn in the world of madness and the capacity to return to tell what I have told."

Anais includes in this entry her idea for a project for which she applied for a Guggenheim Fellowship, the first half which has already been accomplished by the three novels she has already written (Ladders to Fire, Children of the Albatross, and The Four Chambered Heart). The second half of the project is to be three more novels which will cover "a philosophic demonstration of the understanding and mastering of the neurosis." In this project, she will prove "the relationship between the state of the world and the inner psychological conflicts." The project was rejected.

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