Thursday, October 11, 2012

Spring, 1952: Restlessness

Anais Nin writes a letter and includes a quotation from an unknown source: "The adventurer is within us, and he contests for our favor with the social man we are obliged to be. Those two sorts of life are incompatible; one we hanker for, the other we are obliged to."

We  want to be free, and yet we get married and have children have responsibilities to our families and work in conventional jobs and are involved in the community, each of which comes with a "cage" of sorts. This creates conflict and restlessness within us. If we live our lives with no regard to others, we are called "selfish." When we consider others as we live our lives, we may feel resentful and controlled. What is the answer?

Balance the life of the adventurer with the life of the social being at a level that makes you comfortable. The feeling of restlessness will never go away completely or forever, but you can keep it at bay and feel happy and contented most of the time. And don't keep a "Ledger of Guilts" as Anais did. Any thoughts?

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