Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall, 1951: Detox in Acapulco

Anais Nin heads to Acapulco, her favorite vacation destination, once again, to experience another healing process. She says, "to me, Acapulco is the detoxicating cure for all the evils of the city: ambition, vanity, quest for success in money, the continuous contagious presence of power-driven, obsessed individuals who want to become known, to be in the limelight, noticed, as if life among millions gave you a desperate illness, a need of rising above the crowd, being noticed, existing individually, singled out from a mass of ants and sheep. It has something to do with the presence of millions of anonymous faces, anonymous people, and the desperate ways of achieving distinction."

Of course, one of her hang ups is that she has not achieved distinction; she has not been noticed; she has not risen above the crowd in the literary world. She is frustrated and goes to Acapulco to just forget about it.

What are your favorite destinations, and what draws you there? I enjoy Santa Fe for the art and beauty, and I love New York for the energy and excitement.

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