Wednesday, September 19, 2012

May, 1947: Barriers

Anais Nin believes there are three barriers between her and successful American writers:

1) drinking, which she does only moderately.She tends to spend her time with young writers who don't drink as much as the older writers do.

2) she is not rough, straightforward, tough, or plain-spoken. Anais has been influenced by Isak Dinesen, a Danish author who has had success here, and would like to meet her. She has written to her without response.

3) she is not a native American. She came to America as a temporary visitor, with a permit to be extended every six months. Now that the war is over, she has to leave America and re-enter as a permanent resident.

Sometimes we turn our barriers into excuses which serve us well by keeping us stuck. How can we bring these barriers into the light and break them down when we realize it's only our imagination that limits us?

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