Monday, September 24, 2012

February, 1948: Dissolving Depression

Anais Nin gives advise for how she dissolves her depression: "I begin to look at what happens to me as a storyteller might look at it. What a good story it makes! I take my distance. I look at the dramatic possibilities. Try that. The depression falls away, you are changed into an adventurer faced with every obstacle, every defeat, every danger, but as they increase the sense of adventure increases too."

Anais turns 45 on February 21.

She reflects on the similarities and differences between Acapulco and Los Angeles. Her months in Mexico "loosened chains, they dissolved poisons, fears, doubts, healed all the wounds." She could "see people who could dance, sing, swim, laugh in spite of poverty, and be reassured of the existence of life and joy. To see and hear joy."

Anais says that "Los Angeles is not as deeply natural or joyous as Mexico," but she observes a lightness and carefree attitude as the people prefer going to the beach to going to an exhibition, concert, or theater. They drive with the top down. They live, awaiting roles and stardom.

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